How Do I Choose A Kitchen Countertop? Here Are 5 Things To Consider

By | March 10, 2022

Are you thinking about revamping your kitchen and wondering how do I choose a kitchen countertop? There are plenty of factors you should look out for. These factors include:

Your lifestyle

How you lead your life will influence the type of countertop you should go for. If you are in the house most of the time and love cooking, you need tough countertops such as granite countertops that will take up the abuse and give your kitchen an exciting look.

On the other hand, if you are a busy person and are rarely in the house, so you don’t have time to clean and maintain your countertops, you should go for easy-to-maintain units such as quartz and others.

Young children

Do you have children? This will also significantly influence the countertops you install. If you have young children, it means they will be jumping and sitting on the countertops. They also most likely will be drawing and even hitting the counters.

To keep your counters in top shape, you need tough and easy-to-maintain surfaces. This calls for you to avoid granite, marble, and other porous countertops as they easily stain.

In such an instance, you should go for tough, easy-to-maintain countertops that won’t stain easily.

Your budget

The other factor to consider when buying kitchen countertops is your budget. How much are you looking to spend on your counters?

If you have a large budget, there is no wrong countertop to go for, but if your budget restricts you, you should go for cheaper counters.

As you are shopping, you should note that different stores sell their counters at different prices. This means that you will need to take your time and enter different stores, and compare the prices they charge for their counters.

If you can’t afford premium counters such as marble and granite, there are cheaper options such as quartz and others.

If you are looking for counters for small areas such as Kitchen Island and don’t have a lot of money, consider countertop remnants that go at extremely low prices. Some countertop companies even give them out free.

Your desired look

We all have a look we want to give our kitchen, and to achieve this, one of the things to do is install the right kitchen countertops.

You have to install countertops of the right color, texture, and any other feature that aligns with the look you want.

If you aren’t sure about the countertops that will give you a look you want, get the input of a professional.

As you are choosing a countertop color, choose one that is versatile. This way, you can easily change the kitchen paint and accessories without changing the countertops.

To keep your options open in the future, install countertop materials with veins and splashes of color.

Before you buy large countertop pieces, take samples with you at home, place them in your kitchen, and see how they blend with the rest of the room. Get a second or even a third opinion if you aren’t sure about the look.

Of course, you should only buy the countertops that match your desired look.

The amount of care you are willing to give the countertops

Although, this goes hand in hand with your lifestyle, it’s common to have a lot of time, but you don’t like cleaning or taking any care of your countertops.

If you love showing love to your countertops, install porous countertops such as marble, granite, and limestone. If taking care of countertops isn’t your thing, go with easier-to-maintain materials such as quartz that only need you to wipe them down.

Professionally install the countertops.

Regardless of the type of countertops you install, ensure that you professionally install them. If you are a dab hand at DIY projects, you can install the countertops by yourself, but let experienced granite companies Raleigh help you out if you have never done it before.

For the best outcome, take time to hire a countertop installation company and ensure that you are hiring a reputable company that knows what they are doing. The last thing you want is to hire a contractor that damages the precious countertops you have spent your fortune on. You don’t want this, do you?

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